Today is Wordless Wednesday, and I wanted to share with you just a few of the beautiful crochet gifts that my friend, Hazel Lucy's mom makes all year round! Here I am modeling my special large white and pink blanket and scarf that I've had for almost a year! Even with my unclipped nails, this blanket still looks great! Do you all realize how close we are to Christmas? I know many of you are very gifted in your own rights, but if you want a gorgeous gift for your kitty friends, or humans, check out Hazel Lucy's website please!
Here is a layout of many of her crochetted items she makes! Aren't they lovely?

Now here is a sample of her human scarfs that she makes that mom plans on ordering for her two graddaughters for Christmas! Mom will probably order one for herself too! *giggles*

Isn't this hat adorable? I can see many of your modeling these hats and scarfs!!

Another hat and scarf to give you a variety of ideas of the work Hazel's mom does! No matter what you want -- colors or designs -- she will create it for you!

Now this is my sweetheart, Athena, modeling her scarf and lying on her blanket that I got her for Christmas last year! Isn't she beautiful?!!

I hope I have shown you some of the beautiful work Hazel Lucy's mom does. Every item is also personally tested and approved by Hazel Lucy herself! So stop by her website below and place your Christmas order!

I must close by introducing you to Hazel Lucy herself modeling a darling little outfit! Many of you may already know her so you will agree what a sweetheart she and her mom are! Her website is on the right side bar if you'd like to see her complete line!
I hope you all had a fabulous day!
Your Forever Friend,