Monday, May 11, 2009


It's been since Christmas since I posted and I don't know where the time went! I do know I MISSED YOU GUYS!!! Let me tell you what I've been up to! Well first of all Mom got Photoshop Element 7 for Christmas and is determined to figure out how to use it! I must do it for my dear Zoolatry friends who have inspired me! I'll surprise you guys one day! *giggles*

You will be interested to know that I put together an Auction on the website along with major help from my dear friend SKEEZIX!! Took me many days and nights but it was a challenge and for a good cause! So I now know I have blogging in my blood!

I have also been goofing off a lot and have to share with you my latest! My good pal, Winston J. Churchill, is a riot! So is the family of Guido and more kitties too numerous to mention. More stories to come. Well Winston J. is a real cool dude and he made me a duplicate of his "Hot Scooter" So here is my challenge: I have to somehow figure out how to add my special friend, Athena, to the sidecar of my Scooter!! Do you think I can do it????

Well the weather is finally getting warm so I have to get my Scooter "ready to go" so I can share my adventures with you!

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day! Mom spent the day at home and was pretty sad being this was our first Mother's Day without Grandma! But I gave her lots of sandpaper kisses on her cheek and that put a smile on her face!!!

I'll be back soon!
Hugs and Purrs,


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yayyy you're back!! We missed you. Good luck with Photoshop. Mum says she may get it, but we don't think she would ever figure it out.

Parker said...

Welcome back!!!

Chesney Cats said...

Welcome back!! You have been missed!!

Daisy said...

I'm glad you are back! We have Photoshop Elements, too. My Mommie is not good at reading manuals and following directions, so we just played around with it until we figured it out. Sometimes we look online to find little tutorials on how to do certain things with it.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Yay! I'm so glad that you're back! Was the Tennessee Cats auction the one you put on the website? If so, you did a great job. I'm really impressed by how kind and caring the Catster kitties are, and how they helped find homes and support for the Tennessee Cats. That is so awesome!